Create A Stunning Smile With Dr. George Kreisheh

Having an imperfect smile can make you feel self-conscious and prevent you from flashing your pearly whites. Luckily, with porcelain veneers from Dr. George Kreisheh at Charm City Smiles in Lutherville, MD, you can transform your smile into something truly beautiful.

Explore porcelain veneers and schedule your consultation with Dr. Kreisheh by calling (410) 913-5700 today!

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are thin shells made of ceramic that are bonded to the front of teeth. They are customized for each patient and crafted to cover imperfections, fix gaps between teeth, or improve the color of stained or discolored teeth.

Veneers provide an instant smile makeover that can whiten teeth by up to eight shades or more. They are durable and long-lasting if properly cared for.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

  • Completely customize the shape, size, and color of your smile
  • Mask stained, discolored, chipped, or crooked teeth
  • Close gaps between teeth for a fuller smile
  • Protect damaged teeth and prevent further decay
  • Require minimal removal of natural tooth structure
  • Resist stains better than dental bonding and composites
  • Appear completely natural looking when skillfully placed

What Can Porcelain Veneers Fix?

There are many cosmetic dental issues that can be resolved with porcelain veneers. Here are some of the most common:

  • Discoloration: Veneers create a uniform, bright white smile when placed over stained or discolored teeth. They can mask issues like fluorosis and tetracycline discoloration.
  • Worn Enamel: Teeth naturally wear down over time. Veneers can restore strength, structure, and shape to worn teeth.
  • Chips and Cracks: Small chips and cracks are easily covered up by veneers. They help prevent further damage.
  • They help prevent further damage. Gaps: Spaces between teeth are minimized with veneers. In some cases, orthodontics may be recommended first.
  • Crooked Teeth: Veneers can effectively straighten slightly crooked or overlapping teeth without braces.
  • Misshapen Teeth: Veneers can be customized to improve the symmetry and structure of small, misshapen teeth.

Porcelain Veneers Process at Charm City Smiles

Dr. Kreisheh takes a meticulous approach to ensure patients receive stunning, natural-looking veneers that last. Here is what to expect:

  • Consultation: The first visit involves evaluating your smile’s issues and goals. Impressions and photos are taken.
  • Tooth Preparation: A minimal amount of enamel is conservatively removed to accommodate the veneer’s thickness.
  • Temporary Veneers: A temporary veneer is placed while the permanent one is custom-made.
  • Permanent Veneer Placement: The veneer is tried on to ensure proper fit and color before being bonded onto the prepared tooth.
  • Follow-up Visit: Dr. Kreisheh will evaluate how your new smile has settled in about 2 weeks after placement.

With proper care, veneers can last 10 to 15 years or more. Dr. Kreisheh’s meticulous technique ensures your veneers have the best chance of longevity.

Candidates for Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are suitable for many cosmetic dental issues, but the best candidates include:

  • Patients With Minor Tooth Imperfections: Small chips, gaps, rotations, or worn enamel are fixed with conservative veneer preparation.
  • Patients with Discolored Teeth: Teeth stained from medication, fluorosis, smoking, or tetracycline benefit from veneers.
  • Patients Wanting a Minor Smile Makeover: Subtle changes like closing small gaps or repairing minor chips can be achieved with veneers.
  • Patients With Healthy Teeth and Gums: Veneers adhere best to teeth with intact enamel and healthy gums without disease.
  • Patients Willing to Commit to Proper Care: Following good oral hygiene and avoiding biting hard objects are key for longevity.

Caring for Porcelain Veneers

While porcelain veneers are stain-resistant, proper care is essential for increasing their longevity. Be sure to:

  • Brush twice daily and floss once daily
  • Use non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste
  • Have regular professional cleanings and exams
  • Avoid biting fingernails or hard foods like ice
  • Wear a mouthguard for contact sports
  • Quit smoking and limit stain-causing foods and drinks

With Dr. Kreisheh’s technique and your diligent home care, you can enjoy naturally beautiful porcelain veneers for many years.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do veneers ruin your teeth?

Porcelain veneers require only minimal removal of tooth enamel and preserve the underlying tooth structure. With a conservative approach, veneers do not damage or ruin natural teeth.

Can you eat and drink with veneers?

Porcelain veneers can withstand normal eating and drinking. However, avoid very hard, crunchy, and chewy foods that could damage veneers.

Will it be obvious I have veneers?

With a skilled cosmetic dentist, porcelain veneers look completely natural. Proper shape, contouring, and shade-matching ensure no one can tell you have veneers.

Can veneers be repaired if damaged?

Damaged veneers may be able to be repaired with composite resin bonding. However, fractures or chips extending beneath the enamel may require replacement.

Transform Your Smile Today at Charm City Smiles!

If you live in or around Lutherville, MD, now is the time to transform your smile with porcelain veneers from acclaimed cosmetic dentist Dr. George Kreisheh. Call Charm City Smiles at 410-913-5700 to schedule your consultation.

With Dr. Kreisheh’s artistry and attention to detail, you’ll leave your appointment with a picture-perfect treatment plan tailored just for you. Invest in your best smile yet this year! We’re happy to meet new and returning patients from areas such as Timonium, Cockeysville, and Townson, MD.